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There are pivotal moments in all of our lives when we need to step away from our routine, slow everything down, and take a good long look at where we are, where we've come from, who we are now, and where we want to go from here. 

Maybe it's a time of transition for you: divorce, marriage, job loss, a new job, a move across the country or across the world. Maybe a health challenge has entered your life, and you're unsure how to move forward with it. Or maybe it's something less visible that any of those things, like a shift in your faith or worldview, or a change in your sense of who you are and your place in the story you've been telling up to now.

Whatever it is, you know it's time to stop, step out of the race, and take a real honest look at how things are going. What's working. What's not. Who you are becoming. Where you want to go next. 

I'd love to be your partner in that good enterprise.

The R3 Retreat is a 2- to 3-day customized mentor-coaching intensive held in the location of your choice. That's right: I'll come to you! We can meet in a resort on the edge of your city, in a cabin in the mountains a thousand miles from home, or on a beach in the Caribbean three countries over. You pick the location, and I'll meet you there.


Our retreat will be tailored specifically for you—your needs, desires, and goals. Long before I arrive, we'll design your retreat together based on an interactive coaching process that will help you get clear on what you really want out of the experience and the outcomes you most need to achieve. Your retreat work may include a variety of elements, such as:


  • Clarifying where you are in your life right now—what's working, what's not, where you feel lost of left behind, where you need to renew a vision, or create a new one.  

  • Designing better strategies for creating balance and true alignment of key areas of your life around your deepest passions and values.

  • Spending quality solo time with God via designed experiences and listening prayer.

  • Reimagining your calling and career based on who you are now, and what you know now that you didn't know when you started.

  • Enjoying some of the many options for extended outdoor fun and recreation in the retreat location you select. 

  • Taking a deep dive into the Enneagram, Myers Briggs, Strengthfinders, and other assessments that can bring clarity and deepen your understanding of who you are and why you do what you do.

  • Setting meaningful long- and short-term goals in key areas of your life and work—to get you from where you are to where you want to go next, along with structures for accountability to keep you on track.


The elements may change depending on your specific needs, but the ultimate outcomes for every retreat are always the same: Recovering your passion for the life you truly desire now. Refining the path ahead to match that fresh vision, and Relaunching your life in full alignment with who you are now and who you are becoming.

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Photos by Michael D. Warden.

Copyright © All rights reserved.



The cost for the R3 Retreat is $3750, which includes all our advance planning and prep work, and all the coaching work we will do while we are together. Your additional expenses will include our transportation costs to and from our retreat location, as well as our food, lodging, and any additional incidental costs either of us incur while we are together.


For all retreats, we should plan to arrive the evening before the first full retreat day, and depart the morning after the final full day. Wherever possible, I will drive my van to our retreat location, and will charge the current standard rate for mileage reimbursement. If I am able to lodge in my van, I'm happy to do it, especially if it helps reduce your lodging costs overall.


Your Next Step

Drop me a note on my Connect page. We’ll set up a time to pull up a chair, grab a coffee and explore the possibilities together. If we decide to move forward, we’ll identify the outcomes you’re after, design the retreat plan, and secure the dates on the calendar. Simple as that.

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